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  • ePSXe EmulatorDatum02.12.2024 20:19
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema ePSXe Emulator

    Nach einer langen Pause gibt es morgen mal wieder einen Livestream von mir. Los geht es um 18 Uhr. Ich spiele unter anderem in der Trapping and Trapped Kampagne weiter.

  • Gilestil hat die SHPs wohl wieder alle hochgeladen.

  • Ich schaue mal, dass ich den Kampagnen Ordner noch irgendwo finde.

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum04.08.2024 10:24
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #25 Brody

    Das war heftig! Der Spieler startet im Brody Kessel und muss aus dem Kessel nach Westen ausbrechen, um dann den Hilfstruppen rund um Lwow zu helfen, die gleichzeitig angegriffen werden. Nun werde ich erstmal ein bisschen weiterbauen, bevor ich Falaise spiele.

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum28.07.2024 20:56
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #24 Bagration

    Das hat gefühlt drei Stunden gedauert und da werde ich noch einiges dran ändern...

    OpenGen * 16 Jul 2022 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Arthu\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 22nd December 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    20 Tunisgrad , #19 , Brilliant Victory , score:59 +++ Proto: Sturmpanzer Grille K
    21 Prokorovka Tank Battle , #20 , Brilliant Victory , score:47
    22 Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , #21 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    23 Korsun Pocket , #22 , Brilliant Victory , score:46 +++ Proto: sIG33 auf 38(t) Hetzer
    24 Collapse of Army Group Center , #23 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    Campaign score: 944 * Average: 39

    Current scenario: Collapse of Army Group Center, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 840
    Army cost: 40898 , Current prestige is 19677
    Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 19
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 50011
    if BV: +300, Brody Cauldron , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 10800
    if V : +200, Brody Cauldron , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 10800
    if TV: +100, Brody Cauldron , cap disabled, 18 turns prestige: 10800
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 10800

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1130 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 37 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+22 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2316 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Devastating Fire , 55 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+111 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1744 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Resilience , 44 kill , 432 pp - U:003 [+65 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1386 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 33 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+10 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1227 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Resilience , 29 kill , 699 pp - U:005 [+21 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1888 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Mountain Training , 43 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+61 exp]
    Kradschützen 42 , , 5 bars , 1027 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 29 kill , 228 pp - U:018 [+12 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+10 exp]
    PzGren 44 auf Nashorn , , 5 bars , 1011 exp , Romania , 7/10 , 16 kill , 876 pp - U:032 [+85 exp]
    PzGren 43 auf Pz IVH , , 5 bars , 1151 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 25 kill , 636 pp - U:038 [+64 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 672 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 17 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+71 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 5 bars , 794 exp , Italy , 72/10 , 14 kill , 3628 pp - U:048 [+377 exp]

    PzKpfw V Panther A , , 5 bars , 2063 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 169 kill , 1500 pp - U:016 [+148 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 1717 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 126 kill , 1548 pp - U:019 [+96 exp]
    + PzKpfw VI Tiger II , , 5 bars , 2815 exp , Germany , 11/10 , First Strike , 221 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+211 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1514 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Combat Support , 42 kill , 518 pp - U:025 [+71 exp]
    PzKpfw V Panther D , , 5 bars , 1825 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 131 kill , 1368 pp - U:035 [+134 exp]
    PzBefWg V Panther , , 5 bars , 1001 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 20 kill , 2400 pp - U:040 [+78 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 234/2 , , 5 bars , 1875 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Determined Defense , 21 kill , 444 pp - U:006 [+136 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 233 , , 5 bars , 1138 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 384 pp - U:023 [+119 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 854 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 17 kill , 900 pp - U:037 [+79 exp]

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 1283 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 32 kill , 720 pp - U:013 [+22 exp]
    + Jagdpanther , , 5 bars , 1833 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Ferocious Defense , 52 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+188 exp]
    Nashorn , , 5 bars , 1291 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 26 kill , 792 pp - U:034 [+74 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer IV , , 5 bars , 934 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+45 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:042
    StuG IV , , 5 bars , 1080 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 20 kill , 516 pp - U:043 [+85 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 945 exp , Italy , 8/10 , 10 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+51 exp]
    + sIG33 auf 38(t) Hetzer , , 2 bars , 296 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:055 [+97 exp]

    FlakPz IV Wirbelwind , , 5 bars , 944 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 24 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+59 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 1050 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 24 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+52 exp]
    Semovente 20/70 quadruplo , , 4 bars , 428 exp , Italy , 8/10 , 6 kill , 372 pp - U:052 [+115 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 0 kill , 264 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1814 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 10 kill , 1098 pp - U:007 [+101 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1427 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , 30 kill , 990 pp - U:008 [+99 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 2753 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 18 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+220 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 763 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+25 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 165/1 Heuschrecke , , 5 bars , 1053 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 10 kill , 818 pp - U:033 [+96 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer Grille K , , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:053 [+22 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 445 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 984 pp - U:054 [+39 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1359 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+34 exp]
    FlakPz IV Ostwind im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 964 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 12 kill , 564 pp - U:029 [+24 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 4 bars , 400 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+8 exp]

    Fw 190D-9 , , 5 bars , 2085 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 51 kill , 1044 pp - U:015 [+112 exp]
    He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 1526 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 48 kill , 1056 pp - U:021 [+126 exp]
    Fw 190A-4 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 1237 exp , Germany , 11/10 , 26 kill , 2006 pp - U:036 [+281 exp]
    Fw 190A-8/R8 , , 5 bars , 1011 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 33 kill , 1056 pp - U:044 [+160 exp]
    Fw 190A-8 , , 5 bars , 503 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 15 kill , 1008 pp - U:050 [+77 exp]
    G.55/1 , , 4 bars , 471 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 9 kill , 948 pp - U:051 [+75 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    Me 410A-3 , , 5 bars , 1796 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Combat Support , 14 kill , 1159 pp - U:009 [+114 exp]
    + Ju 188E-1 , , 5 bars , 2002 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 26 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+147 exp]
    + Me 210Ca-1 , , 5 bars , 1008 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 17 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+63 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1470 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 33 kill , 1260 pp - U:022 [+89 exp]
    Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 868 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 900 pp - U:045 [+158 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 890 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 10 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+64 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:1222 TNK:198 RCN:86 AT:149 FLAK:85 FORT:133 ATY:215 AD:58 FTR:97 TB:65 LB:12 SUB:2 DD:7 BS:4 Total: 2333
    Lost : INF:149 TNK:7 RCN:14 AT:34 FLAK:16 FORT:19 ATY:26 AD:10 FTR:8 TB:10 LB:2 SUB:1 DD:1 Total: 297

    BV 21
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 14911 exp, 357 kill, 8623 pp Average: 1243 exp, 30 kill, 719 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10935 exp, 709 kill, 7334 pp Average: 1823 exp, 118 kill, 1222 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3867 exp, 69 kill, 1728 pp Average: 1289 exp, 23 kill, 576 pp
    Anti-Tank * 8 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 8426 exp, 161 kill, 2664 pp Average: 1053 exp, 20 kill, 333 pp
    Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2422 exp, 54 kill, 1212 pp Average: 807 exp, 18 kill, 404 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 264 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 264 pp
    Artillery * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 8619 exp, 84 kill, 6020 pp Average: 1231 exp, 12 kill, 860 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2723 exp, 32 kill, 1320 pp Average: 908 exp, 11 kill, 440 pp
    Fighter * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6833 exp, 182 kill, 7118 pp Average: 1139 exp, 30 kill, 1186 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 7144 exp, 97 kill, 3319 pp Average: 1429 exp, 19 kill, 664 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 890 exp, 10 kill, 1296 pp Average: 890 exp, 10 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 55 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 66969 exp, 1755 kill, 40898 pp Average: 1218 exp, 32 kill, 744 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 173 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 55
    Tank : 14
    Recon : 6
    Anti-Tank : 23
    Flak : 6
    Fortification : 32
    Artillery : 17
    Air-Defence : 5
    Fighter : 7
    Dive Bomber : 7
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 5 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 3
    Fighter : 1
    Level Bomber : 1

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum18.07.2024 03:32
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #23 Korsun

    Das war richtig schwer. 90% des Szenarios schneite es und bis ich Kontakt zur 8. Armee hergestellt hatte, dauerte es ewig. Danach wurde es leichter. Auch weil ich diesmal an die Gegenattacke der Sowjets im Westen dachte.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    20 Tunisgrad , #19 , Brilliant Victory , score:59 +++ Proto: Sturmpanzer Grille K
    21 Prokorovka Tank Battle , #20 , Brilliant Victory , score:47
    22 Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , #21 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    23 Korsun Pocket , #22 , Brilliant Victory , score:46
    Campaign score: 901 * Average: 39

    Current scenario: Korsun Pocket, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 1440
    Army cost: 36723 , Current prestige is 17092
    Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 27
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 642
    if BV: +300, Collapse of Army Group Center , cap disabled, 29 turns prestige: 15660
    if V : +200, Collapse of Army Group Center , cap disabled, 32 turns prestige: 17280
    if TV: +100, Collapse of Army Group Center , cap disabled, 35 turns prestige: 18900
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 18900

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1108 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 34 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+59 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2205 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, 50 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+115 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1679 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 432 pp - U:003 [+153 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1376 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+45 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1206 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 26 kill , 699 pp - U:005 [+52 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1827 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Mountain Training , Fast Speed, 41 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+167 exp]
    Kradschützen 42 , , 5 bars , 1015 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 29 kill , 216 pp - U:018 [+47 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 15 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+9 exp]
    PzGren 44 auf Nashorn , , 5 bars , 926 exp , Romania , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 876 pp - U:032 [+191 exp]
    PzGren 43 auf Pz IVH , , 5 bars , 1087 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Bunker Buster, 24 kill , 636 pp - U:038 [+114 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 601 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+77 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 4 bars , 417 exp , Italy , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 504 pp - U:048 [+49 exp]

    PzKpfw V Panther A , , 5 bars , 1915 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Bridging, 156 kill , 1500 pp - U:016 [+270 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 1621 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Fuel Pods, 116 kill , 1548 pp - U:019 [+139 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVJ , , 5 bars , 2604 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 207 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+244 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1443 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 40 kill , 518 pp - U:025 [+95 exp]
    PzKpfw V Panther D , , 5 bars , 1691 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 117 kill , 1368 pp - U:035 [+168 exp]
    PzBefWg V Panther , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 20 kill , 2400 pp - U:040 [+101 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 234/2 , , 5 bars , 1739 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Determined Defense , Fast Speed, Recon, 20 kill , 444 pp - U:006 [+181 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 233 , , 5 bars , 1019 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 384 pp - U:023 [+99 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 775 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Forward Observer, 15 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+19 exp]

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 1261 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 720 pp - U:013 [+236 exp]
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, 42 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+234 exp]
    Nashorn , , 5 bars , 1217 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 792 pp - U:034 [+76 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer IV , , 5 bars , 889 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+94 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 764 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 5 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+96 exp]
    StuG IV , , 5 bars , 995 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 516 pp - U:043 [+193 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 894 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 7 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+200 exp]

    FlakPz IV Wirbelwind , , 5 bars , 885 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 444 pp - U:012 [+74 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 998 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+161 exp]
    Semovente 20/70 quadruplo , , 3 bars , 313 exp , Italy , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 372 pp - U:052 [+53 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 0 kill , 224 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1713 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+193 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1328 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, Air Defense, 29 kill , 990 pp - U:008 [+170 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 2533 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , Fast Speed, 17 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+369 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+38 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 165/1 Heuschrecke , , 5 bars , 957 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 871 pp - U:033 [+106 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer Grille K , , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 1 kill , 0 pp - U:053 [+109 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 4 bars , 406 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 2 kill , 984 pp - U:054 [+122 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1325 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 15 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+121 exp]
    FlakPz IV Ostwind im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 940 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 12 kill , 564 pp - U:029 [+66 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 392 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039

    Fw 190D-9 , , 5 bars , 1973 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Devastating Fire , 48 kill , 1008 pp - U:015 [+97 exp]
    He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 1400 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 47 kill , 1056 pp - U:021 [+150 exp]
    Fw 190A-4 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 956 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 1824 pp - U:036 [+45 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 25 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+64 exp]
    Fw 190A-8 , , 4 bars , 426 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 1008 pp - U:050 [+43 exp]
    G.55/1 , , 3 bars , 396 exp , Italy , 6/10 , 8 kill , 948 pp - U:051 [+62 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    Me 410A-3 , , 5 bars , 1682 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Combat Support , 14 kill , 871 pp - U:009 [+48 exp]
    + Ju 188E-1 , , 5 bars , 1855 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Support, 21 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+48 exp]
    + Me 210Ca-1 , , 5 bars , 945 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+30 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1381 exp , Germany , 2/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 28 kill , 900 pp - U:022 [+80 exp]
    Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 7 kill , 900 pp - U:045 [+45 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 826 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 9 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+38 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:1096 TNK:179 RCN:80 AT:139 FLAK:76 FORT:133 ATY:196 AD:55 FTR:90 TB:61 LB:11 SUB:2 DD:7 BS:4 Total: 2129
    Lost : INF:132 TNK:7 RCN:13 AT:31 FLAK:16 FORT:11 ATY:20 AD:6 FTR:7 TB:10 LB:2 SUB:1 DD:1 Total: 257

    BV 20
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 14002 exp, 328 kill, 5487 pp Average: 1167 exp, 27 kill, 457 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 10197 exp, 656 kill, 7334 pp Average: 1700 exp, 109 kill, 1222 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3533 exp, 61 kill, 1668 pp Average: 1178 exp, 20 kill, 556 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 7665 exp, 141 kill, 2664 pp Average: 1095 exp, 20 kill, 381 pp
    Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2196 exp, 47 kill, 1212 pp Average: 732 exp, 16 kill, 404 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp
    Artillery * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 8017 exp, 82 kill, 6055 pp Average: 1145 exp, 12 kill, 865 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2657 exp, 30 kill, 1320 pp Average: 886 exp, 10 kill, 440 pp
    Fighter * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6002 exp, 165 kill, 6792 pp Average: 1000 exp, 28 kill, 1132 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6573 exp, 86 kill, 2671 pp Average: 1315 exp, 17 kill, 534 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 826 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp Average: 826 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 54 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 61867 exp, 1605 kill, 36723 pp Average: 1146 exp, 30 kill, 680 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 90 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 28
    Tank : 9
    Recon : 5
    Anti-Tank : 11
    Flak : 5
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 11
    Air-Defence : 6
    Fighter : 7
    Dive Bomber : 6
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 9 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 4
    Flak : 2
    Artillery : 3

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum18.07.2024 00:18
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #22 Kuban Bridghead

    Das war einfacher als es sein sollte, aber auch weil ich die Änderungen nicht richtig gespeichert hatte. Habe es jetzt gemacht. Dennoch sollte das Szenario so oder so nicht all zu schwer sein.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    20 Tunisgrad , #19 , Brilliant Victory , score:59 +++ Proto: Sturmpanzer Grille K
    21 Prokorovka Tank Battle , #20 , Brilliant Victory , score:47
    22 Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , #21 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    Campaign score: 855 * Average: 38

    Current scenario: Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 360
    Army cost: 25251 , Current prestige is 13726
    Prestige available on map yet is 360 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
    AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1448
    if BV: +300, Korsun Pocket , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 14040
    if V : +200, Korsun Pocket , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 16380
    if TV: +100, Korsun Pocket , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 18720
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 18720

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1049 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 168 pp - U:001 = Escaped!
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2090 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, 49 kill , 518 pp - U:002 = Escaped! [+34 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1526 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 604 pp - U:003 = Escaped! [+33 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1331 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 552 pp - U:004 = Escaped!
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1154 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 23 kill , 954 pp - U:005
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1660 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Mountain Training , Fast Speed, 40 kill , 972 pp - U:014 = Escaped!
    Kradschützen 42 , , 5 bars , 968 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 216 pp - U:018 = Escaped!
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 546 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 14 kill , 324 pp - U:027 = Escaped!
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 5 bars , 735 exp , Romania , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+10 exp]
    PzGren 43 auf Pz IVH , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Bunker Buster, 23 kill , 636 pp - U:038 = Escaped!
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 524 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 0 pp - U:046 = Escaped! [+46 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 3 bars , 368 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 504 pp - U:048 = Escaped!

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1645 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Bridging, 147 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+37 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 1482 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Fuel Pods, 107 kill , 1548 pp - U:019 [+11 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 2360 exp , Germany , 15/10 , First Strike , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 192 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+52 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1348 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 36 kill , 648 pp - U:025 = Escaped!
    PzKpfw V Panther D , , 5 bars , 1523 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 107 kill , 1368 pp - U:035 [+107 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 900 pp - U:040 = Escaped!

    PzSpWg AB43 203(i) , , 5 bars , 1558 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Determined Defense , Fast Speed, Recon, 19 kill , 540 pp - U:006 = Escaped!
    Sd.Kfz. 233 , , 5 bars , 920 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 384 pp - U:023 = Escaped! [+14 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 756 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Forward Observer, 14 kill , 840 pp - U:037 = Escaped!

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 1025 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 720 pp - U:013
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1411 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+10 exp]
    Nashorn , , 5 bars , 1141 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 792 pp - U:034 = Escaped! [+5 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer IV , , 5 bars , 795 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 0 pp - U:041 = Escaped!
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:042 = Escaped!
    StuG IIIG , , 5 bars , 802 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 504 pp - U:043 = Escaped! [+4 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 5 kill , 636 pp - U:047 = Escaped!

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 811 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 168 pp - U:012 = Escaped!
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 837 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 22 kill , 396 pp - U:028 = Escaped!
    Semovente 20/70 quadruplo , , 2 bars , 260 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 2 kill , 372 pp - U:052 = Escaped!

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 0 kill , 224 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1520 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 = Escaped!
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1158 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, Air Defense, 23 kill , 990 pp - U:008 = Escaped!
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 2164 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , Fast Speed, 15 kill , 1458 pp - U:020
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 672 pp - U:026 = Escaped!
    Sd.Kfz. 165/1 Heuschrecke , , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 792 pp - U:033 = Escaped! [+20 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer Grille K , , 2 bars , 233 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:053 = Escaped!
    Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 2 bars , 284 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 984 pp - U:054

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1204 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 756 pp - U:011 = Escaped!
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 444 pp - U:029 = Escaped!
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 392 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039

    Fw 190A-6 , , 5 bars , 1876 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 46 kill , 1263 pp - U:015 [+75 exp]
    He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 1250 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 43 kill , 1056 pp - U:021 [+61 exp]
    Fw 190A-4 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 911 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 24 kill , 1824 pp - U:036 [+76 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 787 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 22 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+65 exp]
    Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 3 bars , 383 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 936 pp - U:050 [+27 exp]
    G.55/1 , , 3 bars , 334 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 7 kill , 948 pp - U:051 [+56 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    Me 410A-3 , , 5 bars , 1634 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Combat Support , 13 kill , 1108 pp - U:009 [+51 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1807 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , Support, 21 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+24 exp]
    + Me 210Ca-1 , , 5 bars , 915 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+23 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1301 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 28 kill , 1350 pp - U:022 [+12 exp]
    Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 665 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 6 kill , 900 pp - U:045 [+11 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 788 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+7 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:1026 TNK:156 RCN:74 AT:125 FLAK:70 FORT:132 ATY:183 AD:48 FTR:84 TB:54 LB:10 SUB:2 DD:7 BS:4 Total: 1975
    Lost : INF:117 TNK:5 RCN:12 AT:27 FLAK:16 FORT:11 ATY:19 AD:6 FTR:6 TB:10 LB:2 SUB:1 DD:1 Total: 233

    BV 19
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 12924 exp, 304 kill, 5928 pp Average: 1077 exp, 25 kill, 494 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 9180 exp, 605 kill, 5112 pp Average: 1530 exp, 101 kill, 852 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3234 exp, 54 kill, 1764 pp Average: 1078 exp, 18 kill, 588 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6536 exp, 121 kill, 2652 pp Average: 934 exp, 17 kill, 379 pp
    Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1908 exp, 40 kill, 936 pp Average: 636 exp, 13 kill, 312 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp
    Artillery * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6910 exp, 71 kill, 5976 pp Average: 987 exp, 10 kill, 854 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2470 exp, 26 kill, 1200 pp Average: 823 exp, 9 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5541 exp, 153 kill, 6975 pp Average: 924 exp, 26 kill, 1163 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6322 exp, 84 kill, 3358 pp Average: 1264 exp, 17 kill, 672 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 788 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp Average: 788 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 54 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 56012 exp, 1467 kill, 35421 pp Average: 1037 exp, 27 kill, 656 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 54 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 12
    Tank : 6
    Recon : 3
    Anti-Tank : 7
    Flak : 3
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 7
    Air-Defence : 3
    Fighter : 6
    Dive Bomber : 5
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 66 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 38
    Tank : 9
    Anti-Tank : 3
    Flak : 5
    Artillery : 9
    Air-Defence : 2

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum16.07.2024 02:04
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Da das Forum jetzt wieder geht, ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich die letzten Änderungen, die ich mal an Szenarien gemacht hatte, gar nicht auf meinem Rechner hier habe. Ich habe die Änderungen jetzt noch mal gemacht, kann aber sein, dass es da kleine Änderungen zu dem gibt, was ich im Open General Forum geschrieben hatte. Leider muss ich das HQ vor dem nächsten Szenario noch mal machen. Das nächste Szenario ist Kuban Bridgehead und da hatte Randowe damals geschrieben, dass es bei ihm gar nicht funktioniert hätte. Da fehlte noch das OH für die Sowjets.

  • Homepage und DownloadsDatum15.07.2024 22:22
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Homepage und Downloads

    Das sind sehr gute Nachrichten
    Danke für die Updates!

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum15.07.2024 01:11
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #21 Zitadelle

    Das war mit den vielen Hilfseinheiten relativ leicht. Das Schwierigste war auf dem kleinen Schlachtfeld zu manövrieren, um die sehr guten sowjetischen Verteidigungsstellungen zu zerstören. Dabei griffen auch immer wieder Panzer an. Später war es dann einfach nur noch leicht zu den bewachten VHs hinzufahren und die einzunehmen. Ich brach sogar im Westen durch die Stellungen durch, obwohl das alles andere als einfach ist. Am Ende war es ein BV-2.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    20 Tunisgrad , #19 , Brilliant Victory , score:59 +++ Proto: Sturmpanzer Grille K
    21 Prokorovka Tank Battle , #20 , Brilliant Victory , score:47
    Campaign score: 807 * Average: 38

    Current scenario: Prokorovka Tank Battle, VH prestige is 300 , All map prestige is: 300
    Army cost: 33987 , Current prestige is 4993
    Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 0
    if BV: +300, Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 1800
    if V : +200, Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 2100
    if TV: +100, Retreat from Kuban Bridgehead , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 2400
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 2400

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1049 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+17 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 2056 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, 48 kill , 648 pp - U:002 [+141 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1493 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 561 pp - U:003 [+70 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1331 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+47 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1154 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 23 kill , 890 pp - U:005 [+42 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1660 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Mountain Training , Fast Speed, 40 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+134 exp]
    Kradschützen 42 , , 5 bars , 968 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 216 pp - U:018 [+36 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 546 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 14 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+30 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 5 bars , 725 exp , Romania , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+90 exp]
    PzGren 43 auf Pz IVH , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Bunker Buster, 23 kill , 636 pp - U:038 [+55 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 4 bars , 478 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+10 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 3 bars , 368 exp , Italy , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 504 pp - U:048 [+4 exp]

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1608 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Bridging, 147 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+67 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ic , , 5 bars , 1471 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, Fuel Pods, 105 kill , 1548 pp - U:019 [+79 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 2308 exp , Germany , 13/10 , First Strike , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 188 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+254 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1348 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 36 kill , 475 pp - U:025 [+103 exp]
    PzKpfw V Panther D , , 5 bars , 1416 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 102 kill , 1368 pp - U:035 [+201 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 822 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+8 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1558 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Determined Defense , Fast Speed, Recon, 19 kill , 369 pp - U:006 [+45 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 233 , , 5 bars , 906 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 384 pp - U:023 [+94 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 756 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Forward Observer, 14 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+20 exp]

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 1025 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 720 pp - U:013 [+54 exp]
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1401 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, 37 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+44 exp]
    Nashorn , , 5 bars , 1136 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 26 kill , 792 pp - U:034 [+65 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer IV , , 5 bars , 795 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+88 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+33 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 798 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+59 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 694 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 5 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+43 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 811 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+19 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 837 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 22 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+24 exp]
    Semovente 20/70 quadruplo , , 2 bars , 260 exp , Italy , 9/10 , 2 kill , 372 pp - U:052 [+25 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 0 kill , 224 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1520 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+99 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1158 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, Air Defense, 23 kill , 990 pp - U:008 [+55 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 2164 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , Fast Speed, 15 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+147 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+38 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+50 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer Grille K , , 2 bars , 233 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:053 [+34 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 165 Hummel , , 2 bars , 284 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 984 pp - U:292 [+85 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1204 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+83 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 874 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+19 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 392 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+15 exp]

    Fw 190A-6 , , 5 bars , 1801 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 45 kill , 1263 pp - U:015 [+162 exp]
    He 219A-2 , , 5 bars , 1189 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 43 kill , 1056 pp - U:021 [+46 exp]
    Fw 190A-4 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 835 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 22 kill , 1824 pp - U:036 [+57 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 722 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+29 exp]
    Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 3 bars , 356 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 936 pp - U:050 [+40 exp]
    G.55/1 , , 2 bars , 278 exp , Italy , 6/10 , 6 kill , 948 pp - U:051 [+26 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    Me 410A-3 , , 5 bars , 1583 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Combat Support , 12 kill , 871 pp - U:009 [+60 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1783 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Combat Support , Support, 20 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+99 exp]
    + Me 210Ca-1 , , 5 bars , 892 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+46 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1289 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 27 kill , 1170 pp - U:022 [+49 exp]
    Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 654 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 6 kill , 900 pp - U:045 [+36 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+30 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:1014 TNK:155 RCN:72 AT:124 FLAK:70 FORT:132 ATY:183 AD:48 FTR:79 TB:50 LB:9 SUB:2 DD:7 BS:4 Total: 1949
    Lost : INF:117 TNK:5 RCN:12 AT:27 FLAK:16 FORT:11 ATY:19 AD:6 FTR:6 TB:10 LB:2 SUB:1 DD:1 Total: 233

    BV 18
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 12801 exp, 303 kill, 5627 pp Average: 1067 exp, 25 kill, 469 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8973 exp, 594 kill, 4939 pp Average: 1496 exp, 99 kill, 823 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3220 exp, 54 kill, 1593 pp Average: 1073 exp, 18 kill, 531 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6517 exp, 121 kill, 2628 pp Average: 931 exp, 17 kill, 375 pp
    Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1908 exp, 40 kill, 936 pp Average: 636 exp, 13 kill, 312 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp
    Artillery * 7 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6890 exp, 69 kill, 5628 pp Average: 984 exp, 10 kill, 804 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2470 exp, 26 kill, 1200 pp Average: 823 exp, 9 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5181 exp, 145 kill, 6975 pp Average: 864 exp, 24 kill, 1163 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 6201 exp, 80 kill, 2941 pp Average: 1240 exp, 16 kill, 588 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 781 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp Average: 781 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 54 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 55141 exp, 1441 kill, 33987 pp Average: 1021 exp, 27 kill, 629 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 114 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 31
    Tank : 17
    Recon : 6
    Anti-Tank : 15
    Flak : 5
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 16
    Air-Defence : 5
    Fighter : 8
    Dive Bomber : 9
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 4 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 3
    Fortification : 1

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum14.07.2024 13:31
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Man kann eine vorbestimmte Anzahl an Einheiten pro Szenario kaufen. Je fortgeschrittener die Kampagne wird, desto häufiger ist es, dass keine neuen Einheiten gekauft werden können (einfach um dem entgegen zu beugen, dass man selbst irgendwann zu viele Einheiten hat). Da sind dann meistens Hinweise auf die Versorgungssituation oder dass die Einheiten an anderen Frontabschnitten benötigt werden. Die Anzahl der Einheiten, die gekauft werden können, stehen im Briefing. Dort steht als Tipp auch immer, was für Einheiten sinnvoll wären. Dem Spieler ist es aber selbst überlassen, was er sich zulegen will. Es kommt ja schließlich auch immer darauf an, was der Spieler an Prototypen während der Kampagne bekommt.
    DH gibt es mehr als genug. Wenn es aus Platzgründen nicht genügend DH gibt, dann gibt es SH (zum Beispiel bei Wintergewitter).

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum14.07.2024 01:26
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #20 Tunisgrad

    Bei dem Szenario habe ich ein bisschen was geändert und die Aufstellung der Gegner teilweise weiter nach hinten verlegt. Dadurch kommen nun auch nicht alle Flugzeuge auf einmal. Da ich eh mit 300% spiele, machte ich schon wesentlich eher aus. Wieder konnte ich an den Flanken als erstes aufräumen und arbeitete mich langsam in die Mitte vor. Die feindlichen Schiffe wurden gespäht und mit meinen Kernbombern bekämpft.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    20 Tunisgrad , #19 , Brilliant Victory , score:59
    Campaign score: 760 * Average: 38

    Current scenario: Tunisgrad, VH prestige is 4500 , All map prestige is: 9375
    Army cost: 31677 , Current prestige is 9881
    Prestige available on map yet is 7125 pp ( 4500 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 10
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1057
    if BV: +300, Prokorovka Tank Battle , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 660
    if V : +200, Prokorovka Tank Battle , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 660
    if TV: +100, Prokorovka Tank Battle , cap disabled, 22 turns prestige: 660
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 660

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1032 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+4 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1915 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, 46 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+64 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1423 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, 35 kill , 561 pp - U:003 [+96 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1284 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 28 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+57 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1112 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 22 kill , 636 pp - U:005 [+42 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1526 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Mountain Training , Fast Speed, 38 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+99 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 25 kill , 204 pp - U:018
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 516 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 14 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+12 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Romania , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 12 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+65 exp]
    PzGren 43 auf Pz IVH , , 5 bars , 918 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Bunker Buster, 22 kill , 636 pp - U:038 [+64 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 4 bars , 468 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+2 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 3 bars , 364 exp , Italy , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 6 kill , 504 pp - U:048 [+87 exp]

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1541 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, Bridging, 145 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+149 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 1392 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, Fuel Pods, 92 kill , 1500 pp - U:019 [+127 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 2054 exp , Germany , 15/10 , First Strike , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 160 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+141 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1245 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 35 kill , 518 pp - U:025 [+130 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 1215 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 81 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+123 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 814 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+51 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1513 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Determined Defense , Fast Speed, Recon, 19 kill , 316 pp - U:006 [+104 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 233 , , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 20 kill , 384 pp - U:023 [+60 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 736 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, Forward Observer, 13 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+50 exp]

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 971 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 27 kill , 720 pp - U:013 [+44 exp]
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1357 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+63 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 1071 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, 24 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+77 exp]
    + Sturmpanzer IV , , 5 bars , 707 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+88 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 635 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 2 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+51 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 739 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+54 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 651 exp , Italy , 4/10 , Fast Speed, 5 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+77 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 792 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+21 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 813 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 21 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+48 exp]
    Semovente 20/70 quadruplo , , 2 bars , 235 exp , Italy , 10/10 , 0 kill , 372 pp - U:299 [+45 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 0 kill , 224 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1421 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+134 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1103 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, Air Defense, 23 kill , 990 pp - U:008 [+60 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 2017 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+281 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+24 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+62 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1121 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+70 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 855 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+85 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 377 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+35 exp]

    Fw 190A-6 , , 5 bars , 1639 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Devastating Fire , 44 kill , 972 pp - U:015 [+96 exp]
    Do 217N-1 , , 5 bars , 1143 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 41 kill , 996 pp - U:021 [+85 exp]
    Fw 190A-4 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 778 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 1824 pp - U:036 [+27 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 21 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+75 exp]
    Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 3 bars , 316 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 7 kill , 936 pp - U:050 [+37 exp]
    G.55/1 , , 2 bars , 252 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 3 kill , 948 pp - U:298 [+62 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    Me 410A-3 , , 5 bars , 1523 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Combat Support , 11 kill , 1108 pp - U:009 [+147 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1684 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Support, 20 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+155 exp]
    + Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 846 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+61 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1240 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 25 kill , 1170 pp - U:022 [+164 exp]
    Ju 88P-4 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 900 pp - U:045 [+98 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 9 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+37 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany, Italy
    Killed: INF:952 TNK:133 RCN:69 AT:111 FLAK:65 FORT:106 ATY:171 AD:42 FTR:72 TB:46 LB:8 SUB:2 DD:7 BS:4 Total: 1788
    Lost : INF:109 TNK:4 RCN:12 AT:23 FLAK:16 FORT:11 ATY:18 AD:6 FTR:6 TB:10 LB:2 SUB:1 DD:1 Total: 219

    BV 17
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 12125 exp, 289 kill, 5145 pp Average: 1010 exp, 24 kill, 429 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 8261 exp, 529 kill, 4178 pp Average: 1377 exp, 88 kill, 696 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3061 exp, 52 kill, 1540 pp Average: 1020 exp, 17 kill, 513 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 6131 exp, 113 kill, 2712 pp Average: 876 exp, 16 kill, 387 pp
    Flak * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1840 exp, 37 kill, 936 pp Average: 613 exp, 12 kill, 312 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5984 exp, 66 kill, 4644 pp Average: 1197 exp, 13 kill, 929 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2353 exp, 26 kill, 1200 pp Average: 784 exp, 9 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4821 exp, 138 kill, 6624 pp Average: 804 exp, 23 kill, 1104 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5911 exp, 73 kill, 3178 pp Average: 1182 exp, 15 kill, 636 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 751 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp Average: 751 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 52 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 51437 exp, 1332 kill, 31677 pp Average: 989 exp, 26 kill, 609 pp

    Player 1 Germany, Italy has 118 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 37
    Tank : 9
    Recon : 7
    Anti-Tank : 12
    Flak : 5
    Fortification : 4
    Artillery : 15
    Air-Defence : 6
    Fighter : 9
    Dive Bomber : 6
    Level Bomber : 1
    Submarine : 2
    Destroyer : 4
    Capitol Ship : 1

    Player 2 United Kingdom, USA, France, New Zealand has 22 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 7
    Flak : 6
    Artillery : 6
    Air-Defence : 3

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum13.07.2024 04:59
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #19 Wintergewitter

    Das war heftig! Im Westen dauerte es ewig bis ich über den Fluss hinter dem VH kam und im Osten setzte ich gerade über die Myschkowa, als die massiven sowjetischen Verstärkungen eintrafen. Am Ende war es ganz knapp ein BV. Da der Strang aber noch nicht gebaut ist, geht es weiter mit einem normalen Sieg und ich werde den Deutschen noch ein paar Hilfseinheiten geben.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    19 Operation Wintergewitter , #18 , Victory , score:25
    Campaign score: 701 * Average: 36

    Current scenario: Operation Wintergewitter, VH prestige is 1560 , All map prestige is: 2280
    Army cost: 28167 , Current prestige is 16681
    Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 25
    AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1481
    if BV: +300, Escape of the 6th Army , cap disabled, 24 turns prestige: 12240
    if V : +200, Tunisgrad , cap disabled, 27 turns prestige: 13770
    if TV: +100, Tunisgrad , cap disabled, 30 turns prestige: 15300
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 15300

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 1028 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+43 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1851 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, 44 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+146 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1327 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, 31 kill , 561 pp - U:003 [+77 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1227 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 25 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+101 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1070 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Resilience , Fast Speed, FastEntrench, 22 kill , 890 pp - U:005 [+33 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1425 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Mountain Training , Fast Speed, 36 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+113 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 932 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 25 kill , 204 pp - U:018 [+30 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 504 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Fast Builder, 14 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+44 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 5 bars , 570 exp , Romania , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 11 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+24 exp]
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 854 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Bunker Buster, 19 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+33 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 4 bars , 466 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+62 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 2 bars , 277 exp , Italy , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 4 kill , 504 pp - U:048

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1392 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, Bridging, 138 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+112 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 1265 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, Fuel Pods, 81 kill , 1500 pp - U:019 [+246 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVH , , 5 bars , 1913 exp , Germany , 10/10 , First Strike , Fast Speed, AntiTank, 145 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+217 exp]
    PzKpfw III (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1115 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , Fast Speed, 33 kill , 432 pp - U:025 [+91 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 1092 exp , Germany , 5/10 , Fast Speed, Special Munition, 74 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+93 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 763 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Fast Speed, 13 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+97 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1409 exp , Germany , 3/10 , Determined Defense , Fast Speed, Recon, 18 kill , 264 pp - U:006 [+164 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 752 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 18 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+67 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 686 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, Forward Observer, 12 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+57 exp]

    StuG IIIG mit Infanterie , , 5 bars , 927 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 24 kill , 720 pp - U:013 [+189 exp]
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1294 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Ferocious Defense , Fast Speed, 30 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+94 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 994 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 23 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+160 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+42 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 584 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 2 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+61 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 10 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+123 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Italy , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 5 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+132 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 771 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 16 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+30 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 765 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Fast Speed, 20 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+63 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Fast Speed, 0 kill , 224 pp - U:049

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1287 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 1008 pp - U:007 [+216 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1043 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , Fast Speed, Air Defense, 19 kill , 990 pp - U:008 [+120 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1755 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Overwhelming Attack , Fast Speed, 12 kill , 1166 pp - U:020 [+294 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 639 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+102 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Fast Speed, 8 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+78 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 1041 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Fast Speed, 14 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+60 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 770 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 9 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+51 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 342 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Fast Speed, 3 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+6 exp]

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1543 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 41 kill , 876 pp - U:015 [+182 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 , , 5 bars , 1058 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 39 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+59 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 20 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+83 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 17 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+87 exp]
    Fw 190A-4/Trop , , 2 bars , 279 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 936 pp - U:214 [+80 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 1376 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 9 kill , 504 pp - U:009 [+87 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1529 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , Support, 18 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+117 exp]
    + Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 785 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+85 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1076 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 23 kill , 900 pp - U:022 [+46 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 , , 5 bars , 520 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 5 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+72 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 9 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+52 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:885 TNK:116 RCN:62 AT:103 FLAK:64 FORT:106 ATY:163 AD:41 FTR:63 TB:37 LB:7 DD:4 BS:2 Total: 1653
    Lost : INF:103 TNK:3 RCN:12 AT:20 FLAK:15 FORT:5 ATY:18 AD:6 FTR:3 TB:7 LB:2 DD:1 Total: 195

    BV 16
    V 1
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 11531 exp, 272 kill, 5267 pp Average: 961 exp, 23 kill, 439 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 7540 exp, 484 kill, 4092 pp Average: 1257 exp, 81 kill, 682 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2847 exp, 48 kill, 1404 pp Average: 949 exp, 16 kill, 468 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 5677 exp, 102 kill, 2712 pp Average: 811 exp, 15 kill, 387 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1536 exp, 36 kill, 564 pp Average: 768 exp, 18 kill, 282 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 224 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5443 exp, 62 kill, 4280 pp Average: 1089 exp, 12 kill, 856 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2153 exp, 26 kill, 1200 pp Average: 718 exp, 9 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 5 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4249 exp, 122 kill, 4956 pp Average: 850 exp, 24 kill, 991 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 5286 exp, 66 kill, 2172 pp Average: 1057 exp, 13 kill, 434 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 714 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp Average: 714 exp, 9 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 50 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 47175 exp, 1227 kill, 28167 pp Average: 944 exp, 25 kill, 563 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 57 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 14
    Tank : 7
    Recon : 3
    Anti-Tank : 9
    Flak : 2
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 6
    Air-Defence : 4
    Fighter : 5
    Dive Bomber : 5
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 13 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 4
    Tank : 1
    Anti-Tank : 3
    Flak : 1
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 1
    Air-Defence : 2

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum12.07.2024 17:42
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Das Problem ist ja, dass der Einheitenkauf begrenzt ist in der Kampagne. Ich hab mir jetzt erstmal einen weiteren Jäger gekauft, da ich momentan mehrere Runden brauche, um die feindliche Luftwaffe abzuschießen, weil ich nur vier Jäger habe. Recon Fähigkeit hätte mir bei den Reloads nur bedingt geholfen. Gut das eine mal hatte ich die Kradschützen in vorderster Front gestellt, die der Feind dann mit Mehrfachattacken kaputt gemacht hatte. Das andere mal hatte eine dicke Wumme meine Flak Kavallerie mit einem Schuss weggemacht, als meine Flieger gerade aufmunitionieren mussten und der dritte Reload war als ein KV-2 meine 8.8 Flak angegriffen hatte, die leergeschossen war und weil sie sich nicht bewegen konnte explodierte.
    Von den 18000 pp ist nicht mehr viel übrig. Es gab Fast Speed auf alle Bodeneinheiten. Ausgewählte Einheiten erhielten ein zweites Attachement und 15er Überstärke wieder auf alle ausgezeichneten Einheiten.
    Bin aber auf jeden Fall happy, dass ich es geschafft habe, durchzuhalten. Ich denke mal, das ist eine Frage der Strategie und des Glücks. Wenn der Boden von Anfang an verschneit gewesen wäre, wäre ich nicht rechtzeitig in Position gekommen, um alle Flussüberquerungsmöglichkeiten zu blockieren.

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum12.07.2024 01:04
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #18 6th Army is doomed (Uranus)

    Ha, diesmal musste ich mich nicht zurückziehen, sondern hielt bis zum Ende durch. Und auch die Anzahl der Reloads war überschaubar. Diesmal wurden die starken Wummen der Sowjets aus der Luft effektiv bekämpft (dank zweimal Kampfunterstützung). Außerdem ging ich im Osten in die Offensive über und rückte bis zu dem Furt Hex vor. Damit kam der Feind nicht mehr über den Fluss. Angeschlagene Einheiten durften sich bei der Ambulanz ausruhen und wieder zu Kräften kommen. Zum Glück hatte ich ein paar Einheiten in Reserven, die ich dann immer in die Lücken stellen konnte. Nur einmal wurde es richtig heikel, als die Sowjets mit einem Panzer angriffen, den es eigentlich nur auf dem Papier gab und allen meinen Panzern überlegen war. Den musste ich notgedrungen auch über die Furt lassen, um einen meiner Panzer zu retten. Aber mit Level Bomber Unterstützung und vereinten Kräften konnte ich ihn vernichten.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    18 The 6th Army is doomed , #17 , Loss , score:-15
    Campaign score: 676 * Average: 37

    Current scenario: The 6th Army is doomed, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 120
    Army cost: 26841 , Current prestige is 18263
    Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 21
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 381
    if BV: +300, Operation Wintergewitter , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 18300
    if V : +200, Operation Wintergewitter , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 18300
    if TV: +100, Operation Wintergewitter , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 18300
    if Ls: +50, Operation Wintergewitter , cap disabled, 20 turns prestige: 18300

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 985 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 31 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+145 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1705 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 41 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+242 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1250 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Resilience , 31 kill , 518 pp - U:003 [+43 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1126 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+120 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1037 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 20 kill , 636 pp - U:005 [+28 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1312 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Mountain Training , 32 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+101 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 902 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 22 kill , 204 pp - U:018 [+60 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 4 bars , 460 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+65 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 5 bars , 546 exp , Romania , 7/10 , 10 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+84 exp]
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 821 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 19 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+70 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 4 bars , 404 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 9 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+76 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 2 bars , 277 exp , Italy , 8/10 , 4 kill , 504 pp - U:048 [+18 exp]

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1280 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 131 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+115 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 1019 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 58 kill , 1500 pp - U:019 [+100 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVF1 , , 5 bars , 1696 exp , Germany , 8/10 , First Strike , 131 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+205 exp]
    PzKpfw II (Fl) , , 5 bars , 1024 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 29 kill , 336 pp - U:025 [+113 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 999 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 66 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+133 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 666 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 13 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+60 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1245 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Determined Defense , 16 kill , 396 pp - U:006 [+18 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 685 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 17 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+65 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 12 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+60 exp]

    StuG IIIB , , 5 bars , 738 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 22 kill , 312 pp - U:013 [+60 exp]
    + PzSfl L/61 Sturer Emil , , 5 bars , 1200 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Ferocious Defense , 27 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+131 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 834 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 14 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+117 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 8 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+90 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 5 bars , 523 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+99 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 5 bars , 562 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 6 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+63 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 4 bars , 442 exp , Italy , 9/10 , 4 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+167 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 741 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 16 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+111 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 702 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+24 exp]

    Ambulance , , 1 bars , 199 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 204 pp - U:313

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1071 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+69 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 923 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 16 kill , 858 pp - U:008 [+95 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1461 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 8 kill , 1263 pp - U:020 [+64 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 5 bars , 537 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+40 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 641 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+40 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 981 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+108 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 719 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+166 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 3 bars , 336 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+96 exp]

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1361 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 39 kill , 1138 pp - U:015 [+87 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 , , 5 bars , 999 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 35 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+69 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 668 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 18 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+50 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 5 bars , 531 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 15 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+77 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 1289 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Combat Support , 7 kill , 504 pp - U:009 [+113 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1412 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 17 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+124 exp]
    + Ju 87D-3N , , 5 bars , 700 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 11 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+89 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 1030 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 21 kill , 900 pp - U:022 [+113 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 , , 4 bars , 448 exp , Germany , 1/10 , 5 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+33 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 662 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 7 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+41 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany, Romania
    Killed: INF:817 TNK:100 RCN:58 AT:94 FLAK:59 FORT:101 ATY:149 AD:35 FTR:57 TB:33 LB:6 DD:4 BS:2 Total: 1515
    Lost : INF:100 TNK:3 RCN:11 AT:18 FLAK:15 FORT:5 ATY:18 AD:6 FTR:3 TB:7 LB:2 DD:1 Total: 189

    BV 16
    V 0
    TV 0
    L 2

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 10825 exp, 257 kill, 4970 pp Average: 902 exp, 21 kill, 414 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 6684 exp, 428 kill, 3996 pp Average: 1114 exp, 71 kill, 666 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2559 exp, 45 kill, 1536 pp Average: 853 exp, 15 kill, 512 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4876 exp, 82 kill, 2304 pp Average: 697 exp, 12 kill, 329 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1443 exp, 35 kill, 564 pp Average: 722 exp, 18 kill, 282 pp
    Fortification * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 199 exp, 0 kill, 204 pp Average: 199 exp, 0 kill, 204 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4633 exp, 50 kill, 4317 pp Average: 927 exp, 10 kill, 863 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 2036 exp, 23 kill, 1200 pp Average: 679 exp, 8 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3559 exp, 107 kill, 4282 pp Average: 890 exp, 27 kill, 1071 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4879 exp, 61 kill, 2172 pp Average: 976 exp, 12 kill, 434 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 662 exp, 7 kill, 1296 pp Average: 662 exp, 7 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 49 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 42355 exp, 1095 kill, 26841 pp Average: 864 exp, 22 kill, 548 pp

    Player 1 Germany, Romania has 50 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 13
    Tank : 6
    Recon : 3
    Anti-Tank : 7
    Flak : 2
    Fortification : 1
    Artillery : 5
    Air-Defence : 3
    Fighter : 4
    Dive Bomber : 5
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 74 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 30
    Tank : 20
    Recon : 2
    Anti-Tank : 3
    Flak : 4
    Fortification : 2
    Artillery : 8
    Air-Defence : 5

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum10.07.2024 22:35
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #17 Rshew

    Das war deutlich härter als ich es in Erinnerung hatte. Vor allem scheine ich zu wenig Jäger zu haben. Die ersten Runden konnte ich meine Bomber nicht einsetzen, wegen der feindlichen Luftwaffe. Aber auch so waren etliche Einheiten in der Luft am Ende stark angeschlagen. Ähnlich lief es am Boden. Vielleicht hätte ich dem Feind die Eroberung von mehr Raum gestatten sollen, anstatt mit allem was geht zu versuchen ihn wieder über den Fluss zu werfen.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    17 Rzhev Meat Grinder , #16 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    Campaign score: 691 * Average: 40

    Current scenario: Rzhev Meat Grinder, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 120
    Army cost: 25631 , Current prestige is 5627
    Prestige available on map yet is 120 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 13
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1449
    if BV: +300, The 6th Army is doomed , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 1080
    if V : +200, The 6th Army is doomed , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 1080
    if TV: +100, The 6th Army is doomed , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 1080
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 1080

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 840 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 29 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+19 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1463 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 35 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+100 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1207 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Resilience , 27 kill , 432 pp - U:003 [+45 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1006 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 25 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+90 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1009 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Resilience , 18 kill , 699 pp - U:005 [+61 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1211 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Mountain Training , 28 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+94 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 19 kill , 204 pp - U:018
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 395 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 8 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+11 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 4 bars , 462 exp , Romania , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:032
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 751 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 18 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+60 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 3 bars , 328 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 3 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+38 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 2 bars , 259 exp , Italy , 9/10 , 3 kill , 504 pp - U:048 [+20 exp]

    PzKpfw IVG , , 5 bars , 1165 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 121 kill , 648 pp - U:016 [+103 exp]
    PzKpfw VI Tiger Ia , , 5 bars , 919 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 44 kill , 1500 pp - U:019 [+71 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVF1 , , 5 bars , 1491 exp , Germany , 12/10 , First Strike , 116 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+127 exp]
    PzKpfw II (Fl) , , 5 bars , 911 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 25 kill , 336 pp - U:025 [+36 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 866 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 63 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+54 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 606 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 10 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+32 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1227 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Determined Defense , 14 kill , 264 pp - U:006 [+96 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 16 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+17 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 569 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+28 exp]

    StuG IIIB , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 312 pp - U:013 [+80 exp]
    + PzSfl II , , 5 bars , 1069 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Ferocious Defense , 22 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+148 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 717 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 13 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+34 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 4 bars , 487 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+34 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 4 bars , 424 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+16 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 4 bars , 499 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+98 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 2 bars , 275 exp , Italy , 6/10 , 2 kill , 636 pp - U:047 [+36 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 630 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+10 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 678 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 19 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+60 exp]

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1002 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 9 kill , 720 pp - U:007 [+59 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 828 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Devastating Fire , 15 kill , 726 pp - U:008 [+81 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1397 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 8 kill , 1166 pp - U:020 [+65 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 4 bars , 497 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+29 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 601 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+36 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 873 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+92 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 5 bars , 553 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+62 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 240 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+21 exp]

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1274 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Devastating Fire , 32 kill , 876 pp - U:015 [+130 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 (CV), , 5 bars , 930 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 33 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+103 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR (CV), , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 2/10 , 16 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+59 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 4 bars , 454 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 11 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+65 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 1176 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Combat Support , 7 kill , 504 pp - U:009 [+77 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 (CV), , 5 bars , 1288 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Combat Support , 14 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+43 exp]
    + Ju 87D-1 , , 5 bars , 611 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 9 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+51 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 (CV), , 5 bars , 917 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 16 kill , 900 pp - U:022 [+33 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 (CV), , 4 bars , 415 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 5 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+50 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 621 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 5 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+49 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:718 TNK:84 RCN:54 AT:90 FLAK:57 FORT:101 ATY:143 AD:34 FTR:51 TB:28 LB:5 DD:4 BS:2 Total: 1371
    Lost : INF:78 TNK:2 RCN:7 AT:12 FLAK:11 FORT:5 ATY:8 AD:5 FTR:3 TB:6 LB:2 DD:1 Total: 140

    BV 16
    V 0
    TV 0
    L 1

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9773 exp, 220 kill, 4947 pp Average: 814 exp, 18 kill, 412 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5958 exp, 379 kill, 3996 pp Average: 993 exp, 63 kill, 666 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2416 exp, 40 kill, 1404 pp Average: 805 exp, 13 kill, 468 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 4149 exp, 65 kill, 2304 pp Average: 593 exp, 9 kill, 329 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1308 exp, 32 kill, 564 pp Average: 654 exp, 16 kill, 282 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4325 exp, 49 kill, 3728 pp Average: 865 exp, 10 kill, 746 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1666 exp, 20 kill, 1200 pp Average: 555 exp, 7 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3276 exp, 92 kill, 4020 pp Average: 819 exp, 23 kill, 1005 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4407 exp, 51 kill, 2172 pp Average: 881 exp, 10 kill, 434 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 621 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp Average: 621 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 48 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 37899 exp, 953 kill, 25631 pp Average: 790 exp, 20 kill, 534 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 114 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 42
    Tank : 8
    Recon : 5
    Anti-Tank : 13
    Flak : 6
    Fortification : 8
    Artillery : 17
    Air-Defence : 4
    Fighter : 5
    Dive Bomber : 5
    Level Bomber : 1

    Player 2 USSR has 12 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 9
    Tank : 1
    Flak : 2

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum09.07.2024 01:06
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #16 Sevastopol

    Das war deutlich schwieriger. Die Schwierigkeit war aber mehr selbstverschuldet, weil ich erstens vergaß wichtige Einheiten in bestimmten Runden zu bewegen und weil ich an die Überstärke im HQ nicht mehr gedacht hatte. Die dicken Wummen in Sevastopol machten so in Sevastopol ordentlich Ärger, während die Hilfstruppen (zusammen mi ein paar Kerntruppen) die Berge einnahmen und dabei ordentlich litten.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: Marineinfanterie 42
    16 Battle of Sewastopol , #15 , Brilliant Victory , score:41
    Campaign score: 649 * Average: 40

    Current scenario: Battle of Sewastopol, VH prestige is 420 , All map prestige is: 510
    Army cost: 24220 , Current prestige is 8853
    Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 15
    AI stance is Defensive Using map: 1561
    if BV: +300, Rzhev Meat Grinder , cap disabled, 15 turns prestige: 225
    if V : +200, Rzhev Meat Grinder , cap disabled, 17 turns prestige: 255
    if TV: +100, Rzhev Meat Grinder , cap disabled, 19 turns prestige: 285
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 285

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 821 exp , Germany , 4/10 , 28 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+46 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1363 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 32 kill , 432 pp - U:002 [+44 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1162 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 26 kill , 432 pp - U:003 [+78 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 916 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 24 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+85 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 948 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 17 kill , 636 pp - U:005 [+56 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1117 exp , Germany , 4/10 , Mountain Training , 26 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+49 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 842 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 19 kill , 204 pp - U:018 [+178 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 384 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 7 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+20 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 4 bars , 462 exp , Romania , 10/10 , 7 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+39 exp]
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 691 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+72 exp]
    + Brandenburger 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 2 bars , 290 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 2 kill , 0 pp - U:046 [+91 exp]
    Fanteria Corazzato 41 , , 2 bars , 239 exp , Italy , 5/10 , 3 kill , 504 pp - U:240 [+40 exp]

    PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1062 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 109 kill , 468 pp - U:016 [+60 exp]
    Tauchpanzer IIIG , , 5 bars , 848 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 38 kill , 360 pp - U:019 [+55 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVF1 , , 5 bars , 1364 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 100 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+82 exp]
    PzKpfw II (Fl) , , 5 bars , 875 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Combat Support , 20 kill , 336 pp - U:025 [+69 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 812 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 59 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+46 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 5 bars , 574 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 9 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+84 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1131 exp , Germany , 6/10 , Determined Defense , 14 kill , 264 pp - U:006 [+101 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 603 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 15 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+38 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+105 exp]

    StuG IIIB , , 5 bars , 598 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 15 kill , 312 pp - U:013 [+17 exp]
    + PzSfl II , , 5 bars , 921 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Ferocious Defense , 18 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+91 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 683 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+76 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 4 bars , 453 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+46 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 4 bars , 408 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+54 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 4 bars , 401 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 3 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+88 exp]
    90mm 90/53 Camion , , 2 bars , 239 exp , Italy , 8/10 , 1 kill , 636 pp - U:239 [+40 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 620 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 13 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+65 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 618 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 18 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+35 exp]

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 943 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 8 kill , 720 pp - U:007 [+63 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 747 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Devastating Fire , 13 kill , 792 pp - U:008 [+37 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1332 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 7 kill , 972 pp - U:020 [+96 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 4 bars , 468 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 10 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+50 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+43 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 781 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 13 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+21 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 4 bars , 491 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+26 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 219 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+4 exp]

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1144 exp , Germany , 10/10 , Devastating Fire , 29 kill , 876 pp - U:015 [+68 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 , , 5 bars , 827 exp , Germany , 5/10 , 32 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+77 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR , , 5 bars , 559 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+83 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 3 bars , 389 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+26 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 1099 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Combat Support , 6 kill , 604 pp - U:009 [+51 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1245 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Combat Support , 12 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+64 exp]
    + Ju 87D-1 , , 5 bars , 560 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 7 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+53 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 884 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 14 kill , 900 pp - U:022 [+28 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 , , 3 bars , 365 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 3 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+45 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 572 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+31 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany, Romania, Italy
    Killed: INF:644 TNK:73 RCN:50 AT:82 FLAK:53 FORT:101 ATY:134 AD:32 FTR:46 TB:23 LB:3 DD:4 BS:2 Total: 1247
    Lost : INF:67 TNK:2 RCN:6 AT:9 FLAK:10 ATY:7 AD:2 FTR:3 TB:5 LB:2 DD:1 Total: 114

    BV 15
    V 0
    TV 0
    L 1

    Infantry * 12 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 9235 exp, 207 kill, 4884 pp Average: 770 exp, 17 kill, 407 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5535 exp, 335 kill, 2676 pp Average: 923 exp, 56 kill, 446 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2275 exp, 39 kill, 1404 pp Average: 758 exp, 13 kill, 468 pp
    Anti-Tank * 7 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3703 exp, 54 kill, 2304 pp Average: 529 exp, 8 kill, 329 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1238 exp, 31 kill, 564 pp Average: 619 exp, 16 kill, 282 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4055 exp, 42 kill, 3600 pp Average: 811 exp, 8 kill, 720 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1491 exp, 20 kill, 1200 pp Average: 497 exp, 7 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2919 exp, 82 kill, 4020 pp Average: 730 exp, 21 kill, 1005 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 4153 exp, 42 kill, 2272 pp Average: 831 exp, 8 kill, 454 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 572 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp Average: 572 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 48 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 35176 exp, 857 kill, 24220 pp Average: 733 exp, 18 kill, 505 pp

    Player 1 Germany, Romania, Italy has 94 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 27
    Tank : 8
    Recon : 4
    Anti-Tank : 11
    Flak : 4
    Artillery : 14
    Air-Defence : 4
    Fighter : 6
    Dive Bomber : 8
    Level Bomber : 1
    Submarine : 3
    Destroyer : 4

    Player 2 USSR has 7 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 2
    Fortification : 5

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum08.07.2024 13:55
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap

    Das war recht simpel. Musste einmal neu laden, weil eine dicke Sowjet-Ari meinem Sfl II halbierte und er anschließend durch Mehrfachangriffe zerstört wurde. Aber ich hatte noch einen Bomber in der Hinterhand.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    15 Barvenkovo Mousetrap , #14 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    Campaign score: 608 * Average: 40

    Current scenario: Barvenkovo Mousetrap, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
    Army cost: 24551 , Current prestige is 11695
    Prestige available on map yet is 0 pp ( 0 pp in VH to capture) * Turn: 11
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1358
    if BV: +300, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 5220
    if V : +200, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 6090
    if TV: +100, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 6960
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 6960

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 775 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 25 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+9 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1319 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Devastating Fire , 27 kill , 475 pp - U:002 [+81 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1084 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Resilience , 24 kill , 432 pp - U:003 [+111 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 831 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 22 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+35 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 892 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Resilience , 17 kill , 763 pp - U:005 [+24 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 1068 exp , Germany , 9/10 , Mountain Training , 25 kill , 648 pp - U:014 [+73 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 664 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 17 kill , 204 pp - U:018 [+35 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 364 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 6 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+36 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 4 bars , 423 exp , Romania , 8/10 , 5 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+7 exp]
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 619 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 14 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+42 exp]

    PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 1002 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 102 kill , 468 pp - U:016 [+44 exp]
    Tauchpanzer IIIG , , 5 bars , 793 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 38 kill , 360 pp - U:019 [+60 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVF1 , , 5 bars , 1282 exp , Germany , 9/10 , First Strike , 95 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+152 exp]
    PzKpfw II (Fl) , , 5 bars , 806 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Combat Support , 17 kill , 470 pp - U:025 [+43 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 766 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 57 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+57 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 4 bars , 490 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 7 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+39 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1030 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Determined Defense , 12 kill , 343 pp - U:006 [+18 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 15 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+14 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 4 bars , 436 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 8 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+14 exp]

    StuG IIIB , , 5 bars , 581 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 312 pp - U:013 [+16 exp]
    + PzSfl II , , 5 bars , 830 exp , Germany , 8/10 , Ferocious Defense , 16 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+116 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 607 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 9 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+12 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 4 bars , 407 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+47 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 354 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+36 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 3 bars , 313 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 2 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+23 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 555 exp , Germany , 9/10 , 12 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+17 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 583 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 17 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+35 exp]

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 880 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 8 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+29 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 710 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Devastating Fire , 12 kill , 792 pp - U:008 [+46 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1236 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 7 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+68 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 4 bars , 418 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+20 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 5 bars , 522 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+32 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 760 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+33 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 4 bars , 465 exp , Germany , 3/10 , 5 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+52 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 215 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:039 [+6 exp]

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1076 exp , Germany , 7/10 , Devastating Fire , 23 kill , 876 pp - U:015 [+64 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 , , 5 bars , 750 exp , Germany , 6/10 , 30 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+57 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR , , 4 bars , 476 exp , Germany , 7/10 , 13 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+46 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 3 bars , 363 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+60 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 1048 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , 6 kill , 756 pp - U:009 [+54 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1181 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Combat Support , 10 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+99 exp]
    + Ju 87D-1 , , 5 bars , 507 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+46 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 856 exp , Germany , 11/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 13 kill , 990 pp - U:022 [+33 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 , , 3 bars , 320 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+72 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 5 bars , 541 exp , Germany , 8/10 , 5 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+44 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:598 TNK:70 RCN:48 AT:78 FLAK:47 FORT:68 ATY:117 AD:28 FTR:44 TB:20 LB:3 DD:2 BS:1 Total: 1124
    Lost : INF:57 TNK:2 RCN:6 AT:9 FLAK:9 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:3 TB:4 LB:1 Total: 98

    BV 14
    V 0
    TV 0
    L 1

    Infantry * 10 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 8039 exp, 182 kill, 4550 pp Average: 804 exp, 18 kill, 455 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 5139 exp, 316 kill, 2810 pp Average: 857 exp, 53 kill, 468 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2031 exp, 35 kill, 1483 pp Average: 677 exp, 12 kill, 494 pp
    Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 3092 exp, 44 kill, 1668 pp Average: 515 exp, 7 kill, 278 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1138 exp, 29 kill, 564 pp Average: 569 exp, 15 kill, 282 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3766 exp, 41 kill, 4446 pp Average: 753 exp, 8 kill, 889 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1440 exp, 17 kill, 1200 pp Average: 480 exp, 6 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2665 exp, 73 kill, 4020 pp Average: 666 exp, 18 kill, 1005 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3912 exp, 36 kill, 2514 pp Average: 782 exp, 7 kill, 503 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 541 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp Average: 541 exp, 5 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 45 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 31763 exp, 778 kill, 24551 pp Average: 706 exp, 17 kill, 546 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 59 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 14
    Tank : 7
    Recon : 4
    Anti-Tank : 9
    Flak : 2
    Artillery : 7
    Air-Defence : 3
    Fighter : 4
    Dive Bomber : 7
    Level Bomber : 2

    Player 2 USSR has 8 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 4
    Tank : 1
    Flak : 2
    Artillery : 1

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum08.07.2024 01:02
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Der damalige Playtest der Kampagne im Open General Forum von Randowe und Dimitris hatte gezeigt, dass beide in den meisten Szenarien eher Schluss machen konnten und es war eher die Meinung, dass es zu viel Runden für den BV sind. Deshalb justiere ich da jetzt noch mal nach. Zumal einige Szenarien so auch nicht richtig funktioniert haben, da es in ein paar paar Szenarien zum Ende hin noch mal Verstärkungen beim Feind gibt, die die beiden nie richtig mitgekriegt haben.
    Generell finde ich aber auch das so gut wie alle Kampagnen das BV Limit nicht gerade anfängerfreundlich gestalten. Ich hatte auch privat mal die ein oder andere Kampagne angespielt und hatte häufig Probleme den BV im ersten Versuch zu schaffen. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass es in der Community eigentlich keinen durchschnittlichen Spieler mehr gibt, denn die, die das Spiel noch spielen, sind so erfahren, dass sie keine durchschnittlichen Spieler mehr sind.

  • Playtest Trapping and TrappedDatum01.07.2024 00:09
    Foren-Beitrag von Major Heinz im Thema Playtest Trapping and Trapped

    Scen #14 Unternehmen Trappenjagd

    Das war eher unspektakulär. Das größte Problem stellte der geringe Platz zum Manövrieren da. Ach ja, eine 152mm Ari der Sowjets hatte irgendeinen üblen Anführer und machte sogar in meine besten Panzer große Löcher rein. Am Ende war ich BV-1 und werde die Zugzahl nun um eins verringern.

    OpenGen * 25 Dec 2020 * AI version: 2.00 (2014)
    Efile folder: C:\Users\Nutzer\Desktop\Open General\efile_atomic\ * Efile version: ATOMIC EFILE Version: 14th March 2022
    Campaign: 1939-45 TRAPPING AND TRAPPED, * Player prestige modifier 300% * AI prestige modifier 100%

    Played Scenarios:
    1 Battle of Warsaw , #0 , Brilliant Victory , score:38 +++ Proto: Do 217E-1
    2 Lille Pocket , #1 , Brilliant Victory , score:41 +++ Proto: BV 138-B1
    3 Race to Dunkirk , #2 , Brilliant Victory , score:42
    4 Vosges , #3 , Brilliant Victory , score:49 +++ Proto: PzKpfw IIIJ
    5 Battle of Tobruk , #4 , Brilliant Victory , score:40
    6 Fortress Brest , #5 , Brilliant Victory , score:48 +++ Proto: PzSfl II
    7 Uman Pocket , #6 , Brilliant Victory , score:43
    8 Kiew Pocket , #7 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: 128mm Flak 40
    9 Ladoga Lake , #8 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    10 Chernigowka Pocket , #9 , Brilliant Victory , score:42 +++ Proto: Sd.Kfz. 251/16
    11 Brjansk Pocket , #10 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    12 Towards Moscow , #11 , Loss , score:-19
    13 Demyansk Pocket , #12 , Brilliant Victory , score:49
    14 Operation Trappenjagd , #13 , Brilliant Victory , score:48
    Campaign score: 560 * Average: 40

    Current scenario: Barvenkovo Mousetrap, VH prestige is 0 , All map prestige is: 0
    Army cost: 25701 , Current prestige is 7070
    AI stance is Aggressive Using map: 1358
    if BV: +300, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 12 turns prestige: 5220
    if V : +200, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 14 turns prestige: 6090
    if TV: +100, Battle of Sewastopol , cap disabled, 16 turns prestige: 6960
    Ls: Loss , turn prestige: 6960

    Kavallerie 42 , , 5 bars , 766 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 25 kill , 168 pp - U:001 [+51 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 1238 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Devastating Fire , 26 kill , 648 pp - U:002 [+127 exp]
    Infanterie (mot) 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 973 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Resilience , 24 kill , 648 pp - U:003 [+97 exp]
    Sturmpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 796 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 22 kill , 552 pp - U:004 [+12 exp]
    Feldkommando 42 , Sd.Kfz. 251/1 , , 5 bars , 868 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Resilience , 17 kill , 763 pp - U:005 [+81 exp]
    PzGren 42 auf Sd.Kfz. 251/16 , , 5 bars , 995 exp , Germany , 12/10 , Mountain Training , 24 kill , 777 pp - U:014 [+174 exp]
    Kradschützen 40 , , 5 bars , 629 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 204 pp - U:018 [+16 exp]
    Brückenpioniere 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 328 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 324 pp - U:027 [+3 exp]
    Armored Infantry 41 , , 4 bars , 416 exp , Romania , 10/10 , 4 kill , 480 pp - U:032 [+15 exp]
    PzGren 41 auf Panzerjäger I , , 5 bars , 577 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 504 pp - U:038 [+73 exp]

    PzKpfw IVE , , 5 bars , 958 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 97 kill , 468 pp - U:016 [+84 exp]
    Tauchpanzer IIIG , , 5 bars , 733 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 38 kill , 360 pp - U:019 [+46 exp]
    + PzKpfw IVF1 , , 5 bars , 1130 exp , Germany , 12/10 , First Strike , 78 kill , 0 pp - U:024 [+88 exp]
    PzKpfw II (Fl) , , 5 bars , 763 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , 16 kill , 504 pp - U:025 [+98 exp]
    PzKpfw IVF2 , , 5 bars , 709 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 48 kill , 612 pp - U:035 [+44 exp]
    PzBefWg IIIK , , 4 bars , 451 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 900 pp - U:040 [+72 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 231 (8-rad) , , 5 bars , 1012 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Determined Defense , 11 kill , 343 pp - U:006 [+55 exp]
    PzSpWg DAF 201(h) , , 5 bars , 551 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 14 kill , 300 pp - U:023 [+22 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 250/3 (HQ 40) , , 4 bars , 422 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 7 kill , 840 pp - U:037 [+33 exp]

    StuG IIIB , , 5 bars , 565 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 312 pp - U:013 [+49 exp]
    + PzSfl II , , 5 bars , 714 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Ferocious Defense , 15 kill , 0 pp - U:031 [+122 exp]
    PzSfl IVA Dicker Max , , 5 bars , 595 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 8 kill , 876 pp - U:034 [+5 exp]
    + StuH 42 , , 3 bars , 360 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 0 pp - U:041 [+24 exp]
    + 75mm Pak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 11 , , 3 bars , 318 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 0 pp - U:042 [+25 exp]
    StuG IIIF , , 2 bars , 290 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 480 pp - U:043 [+33 exp]

    MG Kavallerie 30 , , 5 bars , 538 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 168 pp - U:012 [+6 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 7/1 , , 5 bars , 548 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 16 kill , 396 pp - U:028 [+2 exp]

    105mm sK18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 851 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Aggressive Maneuver , 8 kill , 1080 pp - U:007 [+51 exp]
    88mm AT/ATY , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 664 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 10 kill , 858 pp - U:008 [+74 exp]
    150mm sFH18 , Sd.Kfz. 7 , , 5 bars , 1168 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Overwhelming Attack , 7 kill , 1458 pp - U:020 [+60 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Wurfrahmen 40 , , 3 bars , 398 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 10 kill , 672 pp - U:026 [+29 exp]
    100mm Nebelwerfer 35 , Sd.Kfz. 10 , , 4 bars , 490 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 3 kill , 444 pp - U:033 [+31 exp]

    Sd.Kfz. 9 mit 88mm Flak 18 , , 5 bars , 727 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 11 kill , 756 pp - U:011 [+15 exp]
    Sd.Kfz. 6/2 im Erdkampf , , 4 bars , 413 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 5 kill , 444 pp - U:029 [+11 exp]
    + 128mm Flak 40 , Sd.Kfz. 9 , , 2 bars , 209 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 1 kill , 0 pp - U:039

    Fw 190A-3 , , 5 bars , 1012 exp , Germany , 13/10 , Devastating Fire , 23 kill , 1138 pp - U:015 [+60 exp]
    Bf 110G-3/R3 , , 5 bars , 693 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 29 kill , 924 pp - U:021 [+36 exp]
    Bf 109E-3 SQNLDR , , 4 bars , 430 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 12 kill , 1272 pp - U:036 [+50 exp]
    Fw 190A-3/U4 , , 3 bars , 303 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 948 pp - U:044 [+57 exp]

    Dive Bomber
    BV 138-B1 , , 5 bars , 994 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , 6 kill , 756 pp - U:009 [+126 exp]
    + Do 217E-1 , , 5 bars , 1082 exp , Germany , 15/10 , Combat Support , 9 kill , 0 pp - U:010 [+190 exp]
    + Ju 87D-1 , , 4 bars , 461 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 6 kill , 0 pp - U:017 [+42 exp]
    Ju 88A-13 , , 5 bars , 823 exp , Germany , 14/10 , Skilled Ground Attack , 13 kill , 1260 pp - U:022 [+109 exp]
    Hs 129B-2 , , 2 bars , 248 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 0 kill , 768 pp - U:045 [+49 exp]

    Level Bomber
    He 111Z-2 , , 4 bars , 497 exp , Germany , 10/10 , 4 kill , 1296 pp - U:030 [+80 exp]

    Player 1 : Germany
    Killed: INF:568 TNK:63 RCN:43 AT:72 FLAK:45 FORT:68 ATY:108 AD:26 FTR:41 TB:18 LB:3 DD:2 BS:1 Total: 1058
    Lost : INF:57 TNK:2 RCN:6 AT:9 FLAK:9 ATY:5 AD:2 FTR:3 TB:4 LB:1 Total: 98

    BV 13
    V 0
    TV 0
    L 1

    Infantry * 10 Units * 4 Leaders Total : 7586 exp, 176 kill, 5068 pp Average: 759 exp, 18 kill, 507 pp
    Tank * 6 Units * 2 Leaders Total : 4744 exp, 283 kill, 2844 pp Average: 791 exp, 47 kill, 474 pp
    Recon * 3 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 1985 exp, 32 kill, 1483 pp Average: 662 exp, 11 kill, 494 pp
    Anti-Tank * 6 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2842 exp, 38 kill, 1668 pp Average: 474 exp, 6 kill, 278 pp
    Flak * 2 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1086 exp, 28 kill, 564 pp Average: 543 exp, 14 kill, 282 pp
    Artillery * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3571 exp, 38 kill, 4512 pp Average: 714 exp, 8 kill, 902 pp
    Air-Defence * 3 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 1349 exp, 17 kill, 1200 pp Average: 450 exp, 6 kill, 400 pp
    Fighter * 4 Units * 1 Leaders Total : 2438 exp, 68 kill, 4282 pp Average: 610 exp, 17 kill, 1071 pp
    Dive Bomber * 5 Units * 3 Leaders Total : 3608 exp, 34 kill, 2784 pp Average: 722 exp, 7 kill, 557 pp
    Level Bomber * 1 Units * 0 Leaders Total : 497 exp, 4 kill, 1296 pp Average: 497 exp, 4 kill, 1296 pp
    * Summary: * 45 Units * 15 Leaders Total : 29706 exp, 718 kill, 25701 pp Average: 660 exp, 16 kill, 571 pp

    Player 1 Germany has 59 units total (core+aux):
    Infantry : 14
    Tank : 7
    Recon : 4
    Anti-Tank : 9
    Flak : 2
    Artillery : 7
    Air-Defence : 3
    Fighter : 4
    Dive Bomber : 7
    Level Bomber : 2

    Player 2 USSR - estimated force: 60 units
    Infantry / Anti-Tank : 39%
    Recon / Tank : 16%
    Air-Defence / Flak : 8%
    Air target : 6%
    Naval target : 0%

    * <- original core (don't count against cap)
    + <- BV prototype
    pp <- prestige points

    Can set default experience for new units
    Use current / basic strength as defined (so no reset current to basic)
    Play custom music during Scenario File
    Allow to BUILD
    Mountains,Cities && Forest blocks direct LOF even if range>2
    Extended LOS rules (Forest,... blocks LOS, limited Air LOS )
    Air units ZOC enabled
    Allow roads on any terrain (even ocean)
    Extended naval rules
    Exclude subs to need DLOF regardless Extended naval rules are defined

Inhalte des Mitglieds Major Heinz
Oberst d. Fernschreiber
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